

The URT DIG is back!!
Sunday April 30th in Coronado, CA Dog Beach competitor's will be travelling from all over the world to take part in the world's biggest hole digging competition. This event also kicks off the "Live Heavy Weekend" celebrating the life of our friend, and 2013 URT DIG champ, Charlie Keating IV.
Proceeds from the event will be donated to the C4 Foundation.
Each contestant will be generously given 10 minutes to dig as deep as they can. Holes will be immediately measured and the winners will be announced upon conclusion of all three digging divisions. The man himself, Jonathan Wayne Freeman @jonathanwaynefreeman, will be the MC.  
Check in for the event is at 2PM
The URT DIG features four Digvisions. 
  • Plastic: 12 Years and younger. 2:30PM start
  • Metal:  Your shovel, your choice.  3:00PM start
  • Claws & Paws: Hands only! Dogs are encouraged to sign up and show up. 3:30PM start.
  • VIRTUAL Digvision**
CANT MAKE IT? Be a Virtual Digger
**For the people that can not make the DIG we will be doing a VIRTUAL DIG where we encourage people to sign up and support the C4 Foundation from afar. We will ask our virtual diggers to follow the 10 minute rule and post your work online with the hash tag #URTDIGHEAVY to be eligible for the spoils of victory. We will pick the top three holes and then put the vote out to the people to find out how they rank. Since it's impossible to measure, creativity counts.
All contestants will receive a custom URT DIG x C4 Foundation shirt. Virtual Diggers will be emailed to find out shirt size and shipping address.  All other diggers will receive their shirt at the check in table at the event. 
Contestants will be emailed information packets closer to the start date. 
Charlie won the URT Dig in 2013 and was runner up in 2014 in the Metal Digvision. His winning golden shovel adorns the walls of one of Coronado's more anonymous watering holes. It is with this rich history that we kick off the "Live Heavy Weekend." To find out more about the weekend click Here

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